Protective Style Review: Flat Twists
IG: @FineNaturalHairROCKS
Hey Curlfriends!🙋🏾♀️
Before we jump into this post, I must give some super SHOUTOUTS to my stylist, Sasha (IG: @curlcodenhb) at Toronto’s Crown N Glory ( for coming up with this BEAUTIFUL flat twist protective style! 😍
Now that we are well into the Fall, aka Protective Style Season, the time has come to enjoy as many beautiful protective styles as your creativity will allow. When I tell you that this protective style shocked me, it truly did shock me! Believe it or not, I really did not have high hopes for the twisted look on my fine strands, let alone the idea of keeping the look for a long time. I am happy to say that I was soo WRONG! 😆
To prep my hair for this style, I washed, deep conditioned, and blew out my fine natural hair using my handy Revair which you can definitely score for 10% Off with our special Curlfiend Crew discount code, “FNHROCKS”. I then headed over to the salon for a nice trim before these beautiful flat twists were installed.
As a protective style review, I thought that these flat twists would last for a full 3 weeks, however it only lasted for 2 weeks - and that was pushing it!I think a major part of the issue was the fact that I applied the LOC-method using a curl spray, a heavy moisturizer, and then oils to my fine strands. I did this approximately 2-3x in the first week and almost immediately, I noticed more frizzing. As a result, I quickly modified this method and began moisturizing my strands using just the curl spray and the oils which then seemed to keep things a bit neater. For my next set of natural flat twists, I will definitely continue with this LOC-method for keeping my style nice, neat, and moisturized.
But that’s enough about me! How’s your protective style season coming along? Do you think you might rock some flat twists on your fine natural hair next? Let me know in the comment box below!