Here are the Fine Natural Hair videos you've been waiting for.
I can sum up the first time I tried to care for my fine natural hair in three words: a complete disaster.
My strands were DESERT DRY, my hairstyles looked awful, and I was one step away from running back to that CREAMY RELAXER for good! Luckily, I kept at it, and with some time and experimentation I learned exactly what my fine natural hair needs, documented my journey on Instagram, built a blog to match, and grew our Fine Natural Hair ROCKS YouTube community beyond 3700 Curlfriends! 😅
I put together this list to help you go from that frustrating starting point of complete confusion to competency in just a few days instead of more than a few years (like myself)!
Curlfriend, it’s truly my great privilege to share these resources I wish I had when I was just starting out with you today. Check them out below and let me know what you think: